Tag: newshub
Make a submission against the Fossil Fools
Once again, the current government shows how much they despise proper democratic process and how little they care about the thoughts of their constituents. That on top of the #WarOnNature they keep waging with every decision they announce.They are pushing the Crown’s Minerals Amendment Bill as quickly as they possibly can in a bid to…
My new boss is the Sea
I have found a new job. It is about protecting the oceans, so I am very excited about it. I also need to learn a whole lot because even though I have been fascinated by the marine environment my whole life, I do not consider myself an expert. In the library I’ve found a few…
Spoiled beauty
There’s a little Japanese garden near our home. It is small but quite pretty and peaceful. It has a pond where some fish swim peacefully. It has a rock path and a couple of bridges to walk across the pond. The fish like to hide under the bridges when people are around. There’s also some…
All we know is we don’t know.
Change has been a big topic in my mind lately. I usually get a little melancholic and existential around my birthday. This year this feeling is intensified. There are several reasons for this, but the one that is new is the change in my work. A change that I didn’t choose but I have to…
Letting Go – more than saying goodbye and thank you
We are now a month away from my favourite job so far being disestablished. Newshub, one of the main national news operations in New Zealand, will go away because Warner-Brothers Discovery is not profiting off it. I have been at this job for a long time. And I am not tired of it. I actually…
We Need Fewer Cars, not Newer Cars
Every day, we move around our cities inside expensive and dangerous boxes of metal glass and plastic that cost a lot of money, harm the environment in a myriad ways, isolate us, and make us angry at each other. Each is a living room on wheels. Climate controlled inside, climate wrecking outside. We get our…
The Polycrisis: things falling apart
Saying things are rough these days is an understatement. As I write these words India bakes in their highest recorded temperature, Mexico is also experiencing a heatwave and its water supply is at risk (like Bogota’s). Israel is close to completing 8 months of committing a genocide live-streamed for the world to see, killing an…
The Emperor has no clothes
It was over 4 years ago that the Covid pandemic started. It is still here. But most of the structures of power seem bent on pretending it is over. Acting like it is not a problem anymore. Despite the fact that it very much is. The emergency state is over, that much is very clear.…
Food for who
‘We are the best at producing food’is what local farmers always say,’We make food for 40 million!’And yet,We are just over 5 million here.Why are so many still hungry.